Wednesday, May 15, 2013


To preface, I rarely ever write about anything negative.  It's just unnecessary waste of energy.  Unfortunately, it is one of those days, so here goes some wasted energy.

You know what I don't get? Conceited people.  God, they kill me.  They indeed sucks the life force out of me.

Scenario one, super-market, hair flipping bit*ch.  I was walking down an aisle to grab and item, and there is this huge cart blocking the very item I am reaching for.  I tried to push the cart aside so I can grab the item.  Instead of the cart owner running over to move the cart.  The cart owner looked at me, looked away, flipping her hair.  Aghhh, I can just scream at such facial disdain.

Scenario two, newly introduced people, especially bit*chy/@sshole co-workers.  I seriously go out of my way to make people feel welcome.  I know how it is being a new person.  I especially know how it is being the outsider.  So it boggles me when a new colleague rolls their eyes at me when all I'm trying to do is make them feel received.  Aghhhh, I can just bitch slap such rudeness.

Scenario three, conceited people, who thinks the world revolves around them.  This kills me the most.    Ugggh Uhhhhhh. *snapping my fingers in a Z-formation*.  Why do you think the world is here to cater to you? why? It is not pretty.

Our individualistic society place so much emphasis on being by ourselves.  We push others away and only celebrate our own successes.  We don't instinctively see ourselves as a part of the larger whole. We are only significant through our connection to other people.  No human ever exist in isolation.  So play nice.  Play kind.  STOP BEING CONCEITED.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Birthday and... Fire-jumping?

Yes, this post is coming a week late, since it is about this past last weekend's adventure.  Yes, I have been enjoying my mother's awesome company.  Yes, I have neglect other aspects of life, i.e. this blog. Anywho, moving on, this past weekend was a field of jumping fiery fun...and yes a whole lot of relaz-ing.  And again, a lot of gratitude, realizations, and cakes.

The cake was in celebration of a close friend of mine's birthday. With much reason to celebrate, we headed off for some camping by the lake, Canyon Lake, TX.  It was a nice shift in space and scenery from Austin.  It was a nice staycation.  About an hour away from Austin, with scenery similar to lakes in California.  What I was so fond of was standing by the shore, and having the 'waves' hitting my feet, while having my dog swimming and fetching in the 'ocean'-lake.  I had this imagery when I was younger, and standing there was semi-deja-vu.  Instead of a beach in California, it was at a lake in Texas.  Instead of another dog I had, I have my wonderful Austin.  Everything seems  in its right places.  Couple that with my group of friends and S'more, it was weekend-tastic.  -- Now I just need a jeep wrangler to complete that image I had in mind. And a surfboard.  And this... and that...  I kid, I kid.  The image and experience was close enough.


Maybe you do get everything you have ever wished for! Just need stop and appreciate the..... Cheeeesseee.  We all know how much I love cheese.

Good Day folks!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Istanbul: A little smitten

Blue Mosque Expedition

I rarely ever say I want to return to a place with such adamant passion -- Istanbul broke all that.  I wasn't able to stay that long in Istanbul this past trip.  2 days to be exact - a day coming to Tanzania, and a day before coming to Morocco.  But somehow two days in  Istanbul was enough that makes me want to return for a longer visit.  

Old city, view from my hostel

Corn nut, steet cart/vendor
I landed kind of tired and not wanting to give a care, as I had such a short time frame in Istanbul.  I knew I wanted to see the Old City, so I booked a hostel close-by, took a quick shower after getting there and headed out to greet the city.  I walked around snapping pictures.  Flirted a few with a couple guys around the shops - amazing how flirting is a great bargaining tool.  Then around four-five o'clock a siren went off signifying that it was  prayer time.  I was eating roasted corn at a bench nearby, and I can't emphasize how amazing this moment was to me. It was one of the few time, where I get to experience this gratefulness. This thankfulness, that I was lucky enough to be there.  To exist in that country and that moment.  That is a wonderful feeling.

As the day progressed, I met more people.  Chatted some more with the locals.  One thing became very apparent, the Istanbul men were very suave and gallant.  No shyness at all, and almost every single Istanbul male I encountered asked if I can take a tea with them.  I always came up with some excuses to decline their offer, but still very nice to get sought after like you are some sort of a prize.

Playing Chess, drinking tea
I played a bunch of classic games, chess and backgammon, with another traveling friends I met there.  And again, while sitting in a hookah cafe, drinking coffee, playing games, I got this surge of emotion, urging me to appreciate that moment.  I suppose coming from Kilimanjaro, where I used all my time and effort in the physical feat of climbing, to Instanbul, I was able to sit back and just appreciate my good fortune was mind-blowingly beautitul.

I was so smitten by this enlightenment that I chart my next trip to stop in Istanbul again for a longer visit.  Truly smitten by this space that is Istanbul.

No reason, just pretty lighting!
The intricacy is just mind-blowing!

Spring in full bloom!

A shop owner urging me to buy this hat... uhhh