Monday, April 15, 2013

Don't Hate

We have all been there.

"Damn, that girl/boy, s/he doesn't deserve that."
"I'm more suited for the job."
or the combination of
"I'm more hard-working/pretty/smart/etc..."

Or worse, there are people who purposely keep other people down because they see that particular person as a threat.  They're afraid of losing their job.  Their popularity.  Their standing.  Or their best worker ever.  Whatever the case.  They are jealous.

Why? Several reasons.  One being, we all adhere to social and biological reasons - Darwinism - we are out to win.  Survival.   Those in better positions wins.   In a more philosophical reason, we look only at the destination and not actually at the journey.  We know nothing of  the how or why that person was able to get themselves there.  All we can see is that they are succeeding, and we get jealous.  In a more contemporary label, we become haters.  We become trolls.

Being jealous and/or holding others down is self-defeating.  It distorts the core of who we are.  Instead, I propose to shine our own light.  Find our own path.  Be happy for those who made their own path.  And as damn cheesy as all this is.  It is true.  Look Oprah, she can attest.  And even Darwism will agree, or Richard Dawkins rather, all in the same boat, "In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment."  Those who can work well with others and adapt themselves will in the end win.

But in all seriousness and in a more Anna-esque approach, being jealous or bitter takes way more energy out of us.  We can use that energy to focus on what is beneficial for ourselves.  And as my mama/papa, or Jesus, who knows,  said it best, "the more you give the more room there is to receive."

Give way to others and STOP BEING A HATEFUL TROLL.  It will only hurt you.  

Have a good night kids!


  1. Well said Anna. I really enjoyed reading this. You tell them trolls! haha

  2. I would do A "like" then I forgot I'm not on facebook.
