Friday, February 8, 2013

To be or not to be... a woman

A woman.  To be or not to be a woman.  I am in my mid-twenty, leaning towards late twenty*1, but subconsciously I feel like I'm 19.  I feel like a 19 years old little girl, constantly looking for approval from others.  I dance like a happy chihuahua when praised and shake like a frail chihuahua when criticized.

Oh, what I give to be a full grown-ass woman.  A woman who doesn't give two shits about what people think.  She is alpha in the board room.  She is alpha in the bed room.  She is alpha even in the god damn bathroom.  She is an ancestry of all alphas, a she-wolf.  Majestic, proud and on top of her game.  When people praise her, she accepts it, be grateful and move one.  When people bitch at her, she stands her ground, work it out and move on.  She walks in her stilettos with a womanly swagger.  She dances in intoxicating womanly rhythm.  If someone hurts her, she learns from it and walk on out with her pride and boot-high stilettos.  Because she knows her worth, she will too find someone who is worth it to her.   She is classy when she needs to be and she is filled with humility when she needs to be.  In a Dos Equis' commercial voice-over..."She is the most interesting woman in the world."

She is aware of all her assets and what she needs to improve on.  She always strive for improvement.  She is never weak.  She is never a 19 years old little girl nor is she a frail shaking chihuahua.

Come to think of it... If I take an inventory of all of my attributes, I'm not that far away from a woman.  Depending on who it is, I don't give two shits what people think of me.  Depending where I am, I'm 70% alpha at all times.  I walk with a womanly swagger, maybe 40% of the time (I skip a lot).  I dance reasonably decent.  I will never settle for a mate or partner that is not worth my time.  

Maybe, just maybe I will be her in a couple of years or so.  Maybe when I'm thirty, my subconscious age will catch up to my physical age.

In the mean time, I mucho giggles...

*1 Age is relative.  I just don't want to remind myself how old I am and how old I actually feel.

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