Friday, February 15, 2013

Time Travel: Changing the past

Question: What would you change/do if you are able to time travel and be your 19 years old self? It'll be like the movie, "Big," except you'll be your current-self in your 19-years-old-self's body.

Why 19? It just seems logical age to pick.  It's the blossoming start of our adult hood.  Anyway, I digressed.  What would I change knowing all that I know today? Truthfully, I would want to change many things.  I would have loved to get straight A's in school knowing what I know now.  I would have loved to make money in the different ways I know now.  I would have talked myself out of all the things that I feared.  I would have stopped myself from meeting people who have hurt me.  I would have love...  Oh the list can be endless.

But then, will changing all that alter the state of mind of the current self that traveled to my past self by doing so?  Or would have changing the past have even changed anything as I wouldn't have valued all the lessons I have learn through the "bad" experiences of the past.  Or would I have treasure and be grateful for all the alterations as I will have everything handed to me on a silver platter?

This would be a very good Hollywood script.  *In trailer voice* "Would she have changed her past if she had the chance?" Oh heck yeah... I would.

Someone invent a time travel mechanism! FAST!

In the mean time, I will chant: "Today is the tomorrow [I] worried about yesterday." - Proverbs.

Damn it, on second thoughts, I will try to be all wise and knowing.   Okay folks, all the things that I did wrong, I did learned from them.  Like, never let a 6th grader bully you thinking you're any less because you have Asian almond-shaped eyes.  Like, never drink on an empty stomach.  Or like, if you like someone, don't let moments go by without expressing your interest.  I can't alter my past, but perhaps I can alter my future. Yeah, seems like the most plausible option at this point.


Please disregard the GIF-action.  I was 19 years old:

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