Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This is something I have never shared with my friends and family. This blog, as such, has only been shared with friends and family. So this is a whole lot out of my comfort zone. I want to share a piece of my past. I want to share FoxxiDork. Who is FoxxiDork? She was pre-muchogiggles.  She was 19 - 24 years old.  She was this girl that used to make some Youtube videos and would write silly things on her blog (which has been deleted, unfortunately).  Not much has changed for her, except she is now MuchoGiggles.  I'm semi-embarrassed to share her with you guys.  For some reason though, I did think about her today, and I thought it's appropriate to share my past.

Please think of her as a 22 years old girl that likes to create things.  Not that I don't like creating things anymore, I prefer to think that my current work is a bit more classier.

Oh Gosh, I'm slightly petrified sharing this.  Ahhh... Okay.  I'll just do it.  *Close Eyes and hitting Publish*



How to Wakeup

Interview Makeup 

How to look good in pictures

Vlog: All I do is eat

Oh God, enough?  Well, I think this is enough for me.  This is enough 2009-2010.  If you like FoxxiDork, go ahead and visit:

Ah, I need to go breathe.  I'm slightly hyper-ventilating sharing this much.

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